前 言 对于很多SAT考生来说,作文部分是他们心中的一个“痛”。如何在25分钟时间里,有效地组织一篇观点明确、逻辑清晰、论据有说服力的文章是一次挑战。当然,与此同时,文法要过关,语言的驾驭能力要尽可能充分体现,更重要的是,不能跑题。面对这个看似不可完成的任务,多少考生在困惑,在迷茫。满分6分,或许是个遥不可及的梦。 然而,告诉大家一个秘密:写好作文是有章可循的。你不能预知考题题目,但是你可以获知的是:如何为写作文打基础,做准备;如何搜集素材,建立自己的“论据库”;如何选择自己的立场并使论据与此紧密相连;如何支配时间;如何使文章出彩。总而言之,如果你为6分做好了准备,6分就会在不远处等着你。所以,不要在心里与它说再见,告诉自己:你可以。毕竟,作文占据写作部分1/3的成绩,你的付出是值得的。同时你该知道,为作文做准备,目的不仅仅是作文成绩本身,准备与练习作文的过程更是一个磨练自己逻辑思维能力与辩理能力的过程,它使人终生受益,这也是SAT美国大学考试委员会添加作文的原因之一。 为此,仔细阅读本书,领会SAT作文技巧,掌握高分秘诀。你也可以拿6分。 One of the most frequently asked SAT essay questions from my students is that “How can I improve my essay writing?” or in other words, “I know it’s hard, but how can I get full score or at least five?” To many students, writing an essay is a frustrating and even exasperating process. They feel baffled by the task and consider what they would have to do is to swallow the animosity towards writing. The reason the students have such doubts about writing or they are reluctant to write is that they are not ready and they don’t know HOW to get ready. If you understand how to prepare for an SAT essay, writing can be easy and getting a perfect score is a “mission possible”。 In this book you will learn how to prepare for an SAT essay and how to improve your writing skills through the following techniques: ●7 Tips for maximizing your score ●8 Steps for completing your essay ●9 Essay topics with sample essay explanations ●Essay example sources and aphorisms you need to know